Die "Tierhilfe Ibiza - Ayuda a los animales de Ibiza e.V." mit dem angeschlossenen Gnadenhof für Tiere, ist ein in Deutschland eingetragener Verein mit anerkannter Gemeinnützigkeit und ist besonders förderungswürdig. Der Verein hilft nicht nur ausschliesslich Tieren in und aus Ibiza. Wir helfen überall dort, wo Tiere unsere Hilfe dringend benötigen!

Letzte Chance für verwaiste Tiere aus dem In- und Ausland

Die Auffangstation und der Gnadenhof "Korweiler - Mühle". Die Auffangstation dient verwaisten Tieren vorrübergehend als sicheres Heim, bis sie ein endgültiges zu Hause gefunden haben. Leider haben nicht alle Tiere das Glück, eine eigene Familie zu finden. Dies bedeutet: "Betreuung auf Lebenszeit." Manche Hunde, Katzen oder Pferde verbringen ihre letzten Jahre bei uns auf dem Gnadenhof "Korweiler - Mühle". Dies trifft vor allem ältere, kranke und manchmal auch verhaltensauffällige Tiere. Tiere eben, die "nicht problemlos" sind, mehr Zeit und Zuwendung als andere benötigen und die sich nicht als "Idealtier" präsentieren können.

Unser Hauptaugenmerk gilt daher dem Gnadenhof! Mittlerweile ist aus dem kleinen Gnadenhof eine "Seniorenresidenz für Tiere"entstanden. Die Nachfrage nach freien Plätzen ist gross. Selbst Tierheime kommen immer wieder auf uns zu, da diese oft nicht in der Lage sind, alte und behinderte Tiere artgerecht zu halten und zu versorgen. Damit auch diese Tiere weiterhin sorglos leben können und die "Seniorenresidenz für Tiere" seine ehemaligen Ideale und Ziele weiter verfolgen kann, sind wir dringend auch auf Ihre finanzielle Hilfe angewiesen!

Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012

Wichtig.... bitte nehmen auch SIE sich heute die Zeit, um den Dokumentationsbericht von Dr. Carmen Arsene und die aktuelle Situation der Straßentiere in Rumänien anzusehen!!!

(As well see the TV note of ARD for Saturday 08.12.2012 16.30 (German time) at the end of the 

"Puppy Vet" from CONSTANTA is just one example.

The dog shelter managed by this company, which I saw just a little while ago and we came in as "visitors willing to adopt" (because as official for sure we could not go or see the reality), is in fact a camp where animals die slowly of hunger, thirst and lack of veterinary care.

When you enter the so-called dog shelter in Constanta , you feel that there might even be a real dog shelter but beyond the other iron gate is the cruel reality.

In a box a body of a puppy hanging by a fence eye, in an attempt to escape he remained stuck, we do not know for how long, for anyone from the shelter did not matter.

The skeletal dogs, some who could no longer stand, which had no power even to bark. Recipients with water so green that only deduce there is water inside.

In other pen a dog was lying. The catchers said he was brought a day ago, accidented by car. But the condition in which it was, proved that he had at least few days lying in that box. The lower body was full of worms. A bone seemed to be out through the skin. Sometimes he lifts his head in a desperate trying to get where the worms swarm and ate him alive but his head fall back helplessly. We did not have the right to take him!

Behind him some cadavres were laying and others in adjacent box.

I called the Police, the women from the office fled the scene, and the Police was not allowed to enter the shelter !

The next day, all dogs that could constitute evidence of cruelty in Puppy Vet camp gone, it certainly killed during the night. We followed the usual path, complaints to the police and to the Sanitary Veterinary Institute (DSVSA) were we detailed presented all illegalities found. DSVSA response, that comprised a lot of stupid information just fill two pages, was ending with the classic formula

"the conclusion of control made is that it is complied the animal welfare legislation".

Later, we meet again “Puppy Vet”, 600 km from Constanta , in

Botosani where they caught 80 dogs and transport in a van over each other and go to Constanta . The local animal welfare association of Botosani manages to follow and then to stop the van by the police. Dogs have been returned in Botosani.

Dear all,

Some of the stray dogs extermination camps operating in Romania are already known. But the business behind them is not fully known.

We find there is a contract by which Puppy Vet has sponsored Botosani city hall and also Puppy Vet promises "help" to the Botosani cityhall by capturing 1000 from Botosani and being taken to Constanta.

We also find out that City Hall Constanta signed a contract (no. 15538/2012) with “Puppy Vet” by what Puppy Vet receives 1,250,000 Euro (incl.VAT) for stray dogs management in Constanta!!!

Same story we also meet in SLATINA, where shelter was managed by the municipality, then by the “Olcon Metal”, and after revelations of huge amounts reimbursed by the municipality to this company, the cityhall closes the "mouth" of the press, cancelling the contract with “Olcon Metal” and sign another contract with “Iberia Velvet” but having the same shareholders, meaning actually the same firm but with other name!

In the shelter of Slatina in some boxes there are a piece of broken plastic container where on the bottom you can see only some muddy. The other boxes there is not even a recipient so no water. Skeletal dogs were approchead the fence when from a bag we throw some dry food. But they can not take a grain because they are too weak.

In the court of the dog shelter (that has at the entrance an announcement "Private Property") is imposing a villa, newly built, with veranda, rooms on the ground floor and first floor.

Almost never the head of the companies that manage the dog shelter in Slatina is in town; he spends his time at spa or in Istanbul or wherever money got by "managing" stray dogs takes him.

Only the huge discrepancy between the amounts allocated for management of dogs and the terrifying images after the gates of these places of horror where dogs are either killed or die from starvation, lack of water, veterinary care, would be sufficient to prove corruption and financial interests.

National Federation for Animal Protection - FNPA is currently preparing materials for instituting criminal proceedings against Puppy Vet, cityhall Slatina, Olcon Metal , Iberia Velvet.

About mafia industry built on stray dogs I talked within a reportage made by a team of national television ARD in Germany , under these cases: Botosani, Constanta , Slatina. The reportage will be broadcast on

Saturday, December 8, 4:30 PM (German time) on ARD "Das Erste", Germany and also it can be viewed later at:


Thank you.


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